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Defining Your Personal Brand | Interview with Kandice Alexander & Michele Rickman

Early in my career, I was taught to dress for the job I wanted, not the job I had. I didn’t quite understand it then, but over the years I learned how important personal branding really is.

Whether you call it your signature style or your go-to professional look, how much thought are you putting into marketing yourself effectively using the subtle clues of your wardrobe and communication?

Personal branding isn’t a new idea by any means but seems to have been lost over the years. It’s not just about dressing professional, it’s also about speaking confidently and conveying your thoughts and ideas effectively.

I’m excited to welcome back Kandice Alexander and Michele Rickman as we dive right into this subject. Kandace and Michele share how personal branding isn’t stripping away your personality but rather builds a professional look with your own individuality.

Don’t miss Kandice and Michele’s upcoming Show Them What You Know event on May 5th. To learn more about this event and their other personal branding events, email Michele at

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