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Leaving Security of a Day Job for the Uncertainty of Entrepreneurship

Leaving Security of Day Job

In today’s podcast, I share what I was going through in my transition from my day job and what, in hindsight, I should have done. Today’s show is for you if you are frustrated in your day job and want to leave but don’t know where to begin. It’s also a show for those of you who say to yourself that you’ll be leaving your day job…someday…but find yourself staying. You may have started your own business on the side, but you aren’t working on it because you have convinced yourself that you must stay at your day job for the security.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with working for someone else. In fact, I appreciate the time and experience I gained when working for someone else. I also appreciate my staff and anyone that helps our company reach our goals. 

But if you find yourself constantly complaining about working for someone else and wishing you had your own business and create freedom for yourself, it’s time to act. Instead of complaining and wishing, you have it within you to just start.

It’s time to be honest with yourself. When you say things like “I really want to start my own thing, but I can’t…,” it isn’t the fact that you’re scared of leaving the security of the consistent paycheck it’s really the fear of failing. You have doubt in yourself and doubt in believing that you can truly make it work. 

I hope my experience I share in today’s episode lights a fire in you to give you a confidence and courage to stop making excuses of fear of leaving the so-called security of your day job and creating your own security.

If you are perfectly happy working for someone else, great. But if you find yourself saying “Someday I’ll be on my own,” or feel trapped in your current job situation, start taking action now.

Finding the courage and strength to build your own business is sometimes hard. I know you can do it and the only thing stopping you is…Y-O-U.

You have it within you to gain the confidence in yourself to make it on your own. Consider your day job as an opportunity, a learning experience. It’s a place you need to be during this season of your life. But look ahead at your next chapter and start planting those seeds to grow now. It’s an exciting place to be to create your own security.

I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email me your comments at

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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener