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Wake Up Your Magic with Susan Guild

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. — Edward de Bono

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been accused of being a workaholic. I do admit that, on occasion, I will allow work to consume my days leaving little room for anything else. Today’s guest, Susan Guild teaches us to Wake Up Your Magic by tapping into your creative mind. Sharing the power of creativity and making people’s lives better is her number one passion.

In this episode, Susan teaches us how to get out of our “over-thinking” minds to wake up the magic within ourselves.

  1. Set the tone of feeling good
  2. Keep things simple
  3. Recognize your patterns
  4. Create your vision
  5. Allow it to come

My conversation with Susan really inspired me to remember to take the time to pause and be creative. Pick up those crafty and artistic things that spark joy and enjoy the moment. Learn a new creative skill to shake out the cobwebs of the mind and be inspired or unblocked in the business side of life. I know Susan will inspire you too by waking up the magic within.


Connect with Susan Guild:

Additional Resources:

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