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From Tech to Chickens to Magnesium: The Diverse Entrepreneurial Journey of Leroy Collinwood

From a tech career to chicken farming, and now, as the Chief Operations Officer of Health and Wisdom Inc., Leroy Collinwood’s diverse entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the art of embracing change and opportunity.

Leroy and his wife currently co-own Health and Wisdom, a growing business based in rural Missouri that specializes in pharmaceutical grade topical magnesium products. His journey to the world of health and wellness began with a shift from a high-tech career to chicken farming, a transition that laid the foundation for his current role.

Leroy began his career in the tech industry, serving as a consultant for major companies like Microsoft and Intel while raising his family in the Pacific Northwest. However, a desire to own a business led him to an unexpected path: chicken farming.

Indeed, after thorough research, Leroy felt that chicken farming in southern Missouri was a business he could build and manage effectively. He successfully expanded the business to the point where the farm was raising 300,000 chickens every eight weeks, destined for fast food restaurants.

A few years into this venture, an irresistible offer to purchase their farm presented itself, prompting Leroy and his wife to consider other business opportunities in Missouri.

Their search led them to Health and Wisdom, Inc., a company in the health and wellness space. The owner, who was looking to retire, formed a strong connection with Leroy’s wife, a registered nurse. This relationship paved the way for Leroy and his wife to transition into the world of health and wellness, continuing the legacy of Health and Wisdom, Inc.

Drawing parallels between chicken farming and his current wellness business might seem far-fetched, but for Collinwood, the connection is clear. Both industries require a keen ability to solve problems and an understanding of the delicate balance of biological processes.

In the chicken farming business, creating an environment where chickens could thrive required a deep understanding of their needs for light, ventilation, and quality food. Similarly, understanding the human body’s need for magnesium requires a comparable level of knowledge and care.

Magnesium, an essential mineral, plays a crucial role in over 300 biological processes in the human body. From aiding sleep and muscle recovery to improving headaches and high blood pressure, the benefits of magnesium are extensive and far-reaching.

One of the main advantages of Health and Wisdom’s magnesium products is the method of application. While ingesting magnesium through the digestive system has its limitations due to the body’s absorption capacity, applying magnesium topically through the skin allows for a higher dosage without adverse effects. This revelation has led to the development of their unique product range, including magnesium oils and bath flakes.

Despite the challenges of running a business in a rural area, like waiting for essential services such as high-speed internet, Collinwood and his wife have embraced their location. Their products are now available in over 700 stores, on Amazon, and through their website.

Collinwood’s entrepreneurial journey serves as a reminder that career paths can be unpredictable and varied. His story highlights the importance of adaptability, problem-solving, and seizing opportunities as they appear. With a product that is changing lives and a steady determination to grow, Health and Wisdom, under Collinwood’s operation, is set on a promising trajectory.

Listen to the full interview with Leroy in this Live Full Work Fun episode below.