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Building a Content Library: Where to Start?

When it comes to marketing, one of the major challenges businesses face is the creation and management of content. Content is the lifeblood of online marketing – it tells your story, conveys your brand’s message, and positions you as an expert in your field.

But how do you build a content library? This article gives you an overview of the process.

Understanding Your Content

The first step in building a content library is understanding your content. This requires a clear understanding of your mission, vision, and values. These elements form the foundation of your content creation, influencing everything from the topics you cover to the tone of your writing.

Your brand style guide helps document key aspects of how your content should look and “sound.” This content may include images, videos, audio, and text. Having an effective method for gathering and organizing your resources streamlines the process of creating and publishing your content.

Organizing Your Content Library

Once you’ve defined the core elements of your content, the next step is creating an organized content library. There are various tools you can use for this. Google Docs and Notion, for example, provide platforms for storing and organizing your text content in one place. This not just saves time, but also ensures consistency across your team.

It’s important to keep your content library organized and up-to-date. Establish straightforward folders in your preferred platform, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

Implement a consistent naming convention for your files, including key words in the file names that are meaningful to you. This way, you can easily find and use the content you need, when you need it.

Regular Publishing Commitment

A well-structured content library isn’t just about having a collection of words and images. It’s about creating and sharing content on a regular basis.

For your authority piece of content, commit to a regular publishing schedule, whether it’s a blog post, a podcast episode, or a YouTube video. Regular publishing not only helps to build your content library, but it also helps to establish and enhance your credibility in your field.

Also, include regular and consistent publishing of emails and social posts in your content marketing plan.

Reviewing and Repurposing Content

Over time, as your content library expands, your files and folders may become cluttered. Periodic reviews and reorganization are essential for maintaining order.

Doing so not only gives you a perspective of your progress but also ensures your messaging stays in line with your brand. Additionally, it helps identify any old content that could be repurposed. Repurposing content is an efficient way to utilize existing materials and can also provide opportunities to revamp your content strategy.

Final Thoughts

Building a content library may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Chunk down the process and stay organized as you publish. An organized system, a commitment to regular publishing, and a strategy for reviewing and repurposing content, you’ll be well on your way to creating a rich, diverse library that effectively tells your brand’s story and positions you as an authority in your field.

Listen to the full episode of this Live Full Work Fun podcast where Fran Groesbeck and I discuss our experiences and advice on managing your content library.