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Work From Anywhere Challenge: Power

In today’s episode, I have my husband, Robert, join me to talk about our travel set-up and how he manages to keep our work from anywhere office all charged up.

He explains how he has set up batteries, solar, and inverters in our ’98 Jeep Wrangler overlanding set-up. We recall some things we’ve learned along the way.

057 - Overcoming Customer Disappointment

How to Handle a Negative Review

It’s not about the negative review, but it’s the manner in which you respond to the review that really counts. When you respond in a level-headed professional manner, people will take that into consideration.

056 - Think Big and Building Teams

Thinking Big and Building Teams

I invite you to listen as I share how cost-effective and smart it is to delegate a little at a time. Starting out small is beneficial for both parties…the business owner and the virtual assistant.

When Spam Happens to Good People

Most people I know, myself included, hate spam and don’t want to be associated with being a person who dishes it out. In today’s podcast, I share some of the spammy things that have happened to me.

Making Room for Change…The Art of Time Blocking

To achieve any goal, to accomplish any big task, to make BIG things happen, you must prioritize your time. This means creating new routines. If you’re tired of feeling stuck and are truly ready for a change, then you must make room for it. How to make room for something new in an already busy life? You learn the art of time blocking.