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Business Growth

Game Over Data Loss

Game Over! My Data is Gone

Losing your data isn’t just sad, it can be costly…especially in your business. Costs come from the time you spend in recreating your work that was lost. You may also incur the expense of having someone trying to retrieve the data for you.

057 - Overcoming Customer Disappointment

How to Handle a Negative Review

It’s not about the negative review, but it’s the manner in which you respond to the review that really counts. When you respond in a level-headed professional manner, people will take that into consideration.

#047 - Why You Should Start a Habit of Consistent Content with Gayla Scrivener

Why You Should Start a Habit of Consistent Content

Consistently being present through producing content builds trust and allows others to get to know you better so that they will want to do business with you. You will begin to attract those who you may serve best and will become your ideal client.